Wanting to “expand” some of the focus of the blog
has led me to the thought that I should “share” something more about me. Obviously my personal life has been an open
book but my core beliefs have not.
Recently I had an exchange with another blog writer over the rodeo
incident in Missouri where a clown acted as Pres. Obama. His take was that this was racist and mine
was to rather so, hey, not so fast.
During the exchange with him I wrote my thoughts and wanted to share
them here. Not so much because I think
that I am 100% correct but because I believe we have gotten far removed from
logical discussions when it comes to politics in general. With that in mind here is what I submitted
to his blog regarding my thoughts and “race” and so called attitudes of
“racism” directed toward our current President.
The trouble with this discussion in that it depends
upon not only the prospective and history each individual brings but the manner
in which they view the world around them.
I accept that racism exists however do not see
racism as the powerful impediment to progress that others give it. As you know
nothing about me or I you, let me share a little. I am a divorced father for
three children (14, 12 and 6) from my first marriage (I will be getting
remarried – hopefully, next year) of thirteen years to a black woman. I am currently in a committed relationship
and we have one beautiful son who will turn two this month and another who will
be joining us in September. All of my
adult life beyond my military service has been spent working in the non-profit
social service community as a formerly licensed social worker and substance
abuse counselor.
Because you included two me’ me photos (one from a
local party official in San Diego – who was removed and other that was not
sponsored by the Republican Party) I
believe that you are OK with extending what others associated with a political
belief or party do in assessing the actions and belief of that actual party.
Using this as a baseline, I would offer that race has been interjected into the
term of Pres. Obama’s tenure but I believe that this occurred well before the
election. Please don’t forget that it was Rev. Jesse Jackson who opined that
candidate Obama was, “talking down to n*****s” and that he (Rev. Jackson) “want(ed)
to cut his nuts off”. Keep in mind that it was Senate Leader Harry Reid who
tried to offer a “weird” comment that because candidate Obama was, “light
skinned and only spoke in a Negro dialect when he wants to” as a reason he
would be palatable to “white America”. Also keep in mind the critique by
self-professed, “gay liberal activist writer” David Ehrenstien who wrote that
candidate Obama was, “the magic Negro”.
These things do not occur in a vacuum and while you
make the observation that a clear racist strategy exists for Republicans (btw,
I am neither a Republican or Democrat – neither party represents my views), I
would disagree. Allowing those who agree with the party line the latitude to
make such comments and “accepting” them as just being “honest” or making a
“mistake” then attempting to feign outrage when those on the other side of the
isle make such comments is, to me, the clear strategy. Racism or the calling of
another “racist” is used as a shield to not only shut down debate on issues but
to alienate and divide. What human would like to be called a “racist”?
Consider simply that it was Bill Maher who opined
that he thought we would be getting a “real black President like Suge Knight”
and instead we got “President Wayne Brady”. But the silence of the Democrat
party was astonishing on his observations because, IMO, he is seen as “on our
side” instead of being seen as ignorant and wrong, which he was.
For me the issue has become one of honesty and I do
not see much truth in either side. As a military veteran and someone who adores
history I have seen a good portion of the world and know that America, for all
of our faults, have progressed further than any “white European” country. Name
me one place that has elected minority (black, Latino, Asian, Women and so on)
Mayors, Governors, Senators, Representatives and so on. Our neighbors to the
north, No. Our closest friend, the United Kingdom, Not even close. We, America,
have grown closer to the dream and promise of not just our Constitution and
Bill of Rights but to the wonderful expression of freedom expressed in
deTochville’s, “America”. Yet, we would rather be polarized for what we “are”
in terms of ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation than we would to accept
that while we will never all “get along” we are further and more advanced than
most places on this earth. Electing and embracing a diversity of elected
officials that is unparallel.
Pres Obama has, I believe, used race not as a means
to “unite” us and to forward the ideal of judging one as an individual but to
judge us as a “group”. It strikes me as odd that Pres. Obama once said that
there existed no “red America or blue America” but only “America” and while his
words were elegant and inspiring his actions were to willingly interjected
himself into the “beer summit” calling the police “stupid” without knowing what
occurred. Pres. Obama’s opining that, “if I had a son” regarding the Trayvon
Martin / George Zimmerman case was, I feel, a clear example that first we must
see each other not as individuals but as the ethnic identity was carry.
I can’t question the comment attributed by Sen.
McConnell that his goal was to see Pres. Obama as a “one term leader” but would
offer simply the truth – isn’t he suppose to feel / think that way if he truly
believes the policies he advocates are best for the country? Sure it was stupid
to say aloud but it is no worse than former Speaker Tip O’Neil writing in his
book that whatever Pres. Reagan proposed was, “dead on arrival” once it hit his
desk. Yet, in the case of Sen. McConnell it is “assumed” that the man married
to an Asian woman is “racist”. How silly is that? Oh, should we also not look
at the ad’s ran by Progress Kentucky that used racial slurs and photos of Mr.
McConnell’s wife. Sure, they apologized (once they were caught – much like my
six year old) but this was the same group, founded by Shawn Reilly and Curtis
Morrison who bragged about recording outside of Sen. McConnell’s office and
then turned the tape over to Mother Jones. Mr. Morrison, who maybe facing
charges, was not some strange outsider but a man who attended at least one
White House “activist” briefing. But “tolerance” is the mantra – well, that is
unless one sits across the isle then all is fair, right? No – it should not be
and yet that is exactly what we see.
I have no question that “racist” exist in both
parties and that racism is a very real undercurrent throughout the world.
Having been to the P.I., I can tell you the “racist” feelings that exist
against non-Muslims and of children born to mixed-ethnic relationships. The
same is true in Thailand and Japan. Having lived in North Carolina, Kentucky,
South Carolina, Ohio and Alaska, I don’t question that I have seen ‘racial”
divisions. I will say that in my experience dating and being married to a black
woman, I never felt “racism’ more prevalent than I have in Toledo and Detroit.
In the case of Toledo although I owned a home, I moved my family because of the
openly racist attitude of the community. It strikes me as sad that not only do
these attitudes exist but that we continue to, I believe, driven further away
from one another simply to ensure political “power”. Imagine a white candidate
or elected official making the comments attributed to Rep. Rangel (D-NY), that
anyone who agrees with the “tea party” are “crackers” and nothing more than
“Jim Crow”.
Calling others “racist” has become a “shield” and
at times a “sword” to wield power. I believe the same can be said for the
so-called, “war on women”. Consider that Mr. Weiner remains in the race and as
a father and a man in a committed relationship his behavior and treatment of
women is appalling – yet, there he is. Let’s not forget Mayor Filtner and his
treatment of women. But largely the “party” of “tolerance” is silent but to say
that the actions were “inappropriate”. Nothing like understating the obvious,
right? It isn’t that there have not
been (and will be in the future) Republicans who maybe bigoted against the
advancement of Women and minorities (just as there have been and are Democrats)
it is the “absolute” manner in which Pres. Obama and his party has sold the
“War on Women” that “if your not with us, your against “women”, “minorities” or
“the poor”. Really, reasonable people
are no longer able to agree? Of course
Republicans do this also but as Democrats continue to “preach” tolerance should
they not also be asked to show it?
You see, I think we could both continue to throw
out antidotal stories about each party but the truth is that until both stop
this will not end. It is my belief that Democrats, if they are who they say
they are, must be the ones to “stop” this behavior from within the ranks of not
just the party but from those who support and defend the positions they take.
Yet, I don’t see this happening because until the day comes that “racism” can
no longer be used as a sword to cut the “enemy” it will continue to be used to
polarize the electorate and ensure “party” power, even if it is destructive for
the American Society.
Consider the words of, Black Caucus Chair Emanuel
Cleaver when speaking about the historically high rate of black unemployment as
he said, “if not for Barrack Obama we would be marching on the White House”.
Don’t forget that it was Andre Carson (D-IN) who opined that the “tea party”
would like to see, “blacks hanging on a tree” or Maxine Waters (D-CA) who said
that the “tea party” should, “go straight to hell”. Honestly, anyone that
identifies with an idea of the tea party wants to lynch black people and should
simply take up residence in hell?
Really? But that is the thing
now, IMO, identity politics that are not used to unite America but to polarize
and divide in an effort to do nothing but ensure the maintained of power. Still
the question is never asked – to what end? Does this help or hurt us as a
nation and I believe in the long term it hurts us.
While you bring up the much-maligned “southern
strategy” that was forwarded by Lee Atwater and others you fail to look at the
historic gains fostered by the Republican Party for minorities in America.
Should we deny the foundation of the GOP in our own State (Jackson, MI), which
had attendees from our own home, Monroe County that had the direct goal of
ending slavery? Should we forget the Emancipation Proclamation? Should we
forget the record numbers of Republicans that voted for not just the Civil
Rights Act but also the Voting Rights Act? Without them the Democrats (who held
the Presidents office at the time) did not have the votes to pass either –
including the vote of VP Gore’s father who voted against them. Should we forget
the “Dixie-crats”, many of who were openly racist including the much loved
former Klu Klux Klan Leader Robert Byrd (D-WV)?
Maybe ignoring the appointments or elections of
Gen. Powell, Ms. Rice, SC Justice Thomas, Romualdo Pacheco (first Hispanic Gov.
1863), Hiram Revels (first black Senator, R-NC), John Lynch (former slave and
Chair of 1884 RNC), Octaviano Larrazolo (first Hispanic Senator), Hiram Fong
(first Asian Senator), SC Justice Earl Warren and many others would be the
thing to do, right? Republicans and
whites who disagree with Pres. Obama are of course, “racist”, correct. Should
we ignore that it was the 1871 Civil Rights Act supported by Republicans that
“banned” the KKK? The 1875 Civil Rights Act that banned racial discrimination
in public accommodations? How about forgetting that it was Pres. Eisenhower who
ordered the end of segregation in Little Rock Schools? History is a “funny”
thing and ought not be forgotten or re-written to fit an agenda and while I understand
that the argument is, “well, those are not today’s Republican’s” to ignore this
history is not just dishonest but a disservice to not only our country but
creates an ignorance among our citizens that will prevent progress as I believe
this “minimizing” of true history is done not to further progress but to
maintain power. Again, to what end?
Yet – this is what “we” do now and not only as a
public but what those who provide us the “news” lead us to do; we count by
ethnicity or gender instead of results. Consider that the Huffington Post, a
leading resource for politics, questioned the Republican House on the fact that
“not one” leadership role when to a minority all the while forgetting that of
the two black Senator’s in office today (Tim Scott R-SC, Mo Cowan D-MA) neither
are in a leadership position – although in fairness both are “new” to office.
In your post to another writer you mention the
Newsweek article that discussed the opinions of “black Americans” regarding
race. I don’t question those personal “opinions” as each person has a right to
feel the way they chose. However, it is just that – opinion.
Sure, racism exists but is it the systemic “issue”
that we give it the weight of being? As the father to three children who are
classified by the State, Federal Government and School District as “black”
(regardless of my ethnicity or appearance and might I say that with specificity
my son Knoah who is six and a little person will have difficulty convincing
people that he “is” black regardless of what the “government” classifies him),
I would differ.
I would argue that the issues are socio-economic
and educational in nature and not based upon “race”. “Racism” does not explain
the historically high rate of illiteracy, poor educational performance, crime
and drug use in some majority black communities. No question that “racism” once
had a more powerful impact but considering the upward mobility of a great
number of blacks in America over the past 40 years it can only be seen as one
“factor” or “variable” and not the “controlling variable”. To not question the
impact and decline of education (causing diminished employable skills) in the
black community is dishonest. Further to ignore the rate of criminal behavior
and write it off simply as the cause of a “racist” system is not only dishonest
but ignores the individual choice each person has to be the citizen they
desire. Each individual must make a decision to do for themselves and those
they love and while racism can and does make this difficult the off set of
opportunity remains present. I believe, the more we tell people that things are
“bad” the more they will see and believe them. Consider Oprah Winfrey who
recently said she was treated wrong while in Europe because of her race. She
has since retracted that after the store came out and said this was not true.
If we wish to see something – we will find it.
One need only to look at the racial narrative we
have been “sold” regarding the Zimmerman case – even though this was a man of
Hispanic background who had mentored black children, dated black women,
protested against the police and the treatment of a black man and was a
registered Democrat who voted for Pres. Obama, he “must” be racist – even if
the FBI found no evidence of a racial narrative in July 2012 and issued a
report that said so. Yet, here we are with the NAACP and others calling for a
civil rights investigation against Mr. Zimmerman and the creation of a public
DOJ email (stanford.fl@doj.gov) asking the public to forward any information about
“racial” incidents Mr. Zimmerman maybe involved in. Perception has overtaken
reality in my view.
As a “white male” (actually, my background is
pretty odd in that my grandfather was Cherokee and part of my family was
considered “non-white European” by the US Census in 1930 – but, I look white,
no question) former social worker I can’t tell you the number of times I have
been subjected to the, “white boy” perceptions by the black community. It isn’t
fair but it is reality. Think about CNN Host Don Lemon, a black man, who came
out and said, “yes” we should not have black youths acting like hoodlums and
“yes” we need to restore the black community. In exchange for his assessment he
was not called “thoughtful” or “introspective” but rather an “uncle tom”. It is
sad but that is the “sword / shield” mentality that has invaded America.
You ended the response by writing, “What I was
having a hard time figuring out is how someone can simultaneously be a
socialist and a corporate sellout; or a tyrant and a weakling. That was the
nature of my criticism”. Forgive me for being skeptical but your “criticism” by
beginning and focusing on the ethnicity of the President would never allow
those questions to actually be highlighted because, again, racism is used as
both a “sword and shield” and only polarizes. I believe you are intelligent
enough to see that.
Attempting to answer your question, I can only say
that my view of Pres. Obama is that he will do and say whatever is most
efficient at keeping both him and his party in power. I imagine that is true
for many elected officials but in his case we were “sold” that he would be
different that “we were the ones we had been waiting for”. He has continued the
tyrannical authority he spoke out against by accelerating the NSA spying
program, use of drones to kill American Citizens in Yemen, prosecution of
“whistleblowers” and the continuation of GITMO among others.
Pres. Obama, is a “weakling” (your words) because
of his administrations lack of oversight or action regarding the IRS, NSA, BATF
(fast and furious), Iran, Egypt and Syria.
I believe, Pres. Obama, is a “corporate sell-out”
by his administrations actions regarding GE, John Corzine and the very real
fact that we will not recover the monies provided to GM and Chrysler given
through the bailout (which, btw, was started using TARP funds by Pres. Bush
prior to leaving office).
I won’t go as far to call Pres. Obama a socialist
because I do not believe he is. I believe his is an abhorrent opportunist. I do
believe the lack of insight into the Health Care Reform Legislation has shown a
poor ability to manage and or write legislation (consider, how many more
“delays” must we have before we just honestly admit that it was not very well
thought out?). I also find that the President has a blatant disregard for the
Constitution and the order of law, even if it is his “keystone” legislation, if
it will benefit him.
Consider why we are having the “postponement” of
the employer mandate for health care reform during an election year along with
the number of “waivers” granted – why? Really, the “planning” for this will
take more than three years. No, it is opportunism 101 and it is odd that the
health care reform legislation demands that no part can be taken out of the
legislation, yet, we continue to “chip away” at timelines for implementation
even when SC Justice Roberts stated that no one part of the bill could be
The truth as I see it, is that neither Democrats nor
Republicans in positions of power above the local level are actually concerned
about the average American. Oh, I believe they play the game and act
“concerned” but in truth – I almost see this as nothing more than “political
professional wrestling”. They play a part (good guy / villain) and those parts
are interchangeable depending on the audience.
So - is it possible to simply say, as a "white male" that I dislike the political positions of Pres. Obama and feel he is neither a good manager or a good President without being called a "racisit" and if not how can I explain to my oldest three childern that many in the world see thier father as a "racist". SMH - we seem to have forgotten to judge by "content of ones character" and instead have reverted to "color of ones politics". I guess Candidate Obama was wrong - there is a "red and blue" America and it seems to be getting worse.